Transforming Biosolids into Fertilizer for Soil Nourishment

Made in NE and Distributed by Casella Organics, earthlife® is a favorite for crops, gardens, lawns and planters. This safe and sustainable alternative to traditional fertilizers will nurture your soils from year to year. Available in bulk form.

  • For Our Soil: A safe alternative to standard fertilizers.
  • For the Planet: Less waste to landfills. Lower greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling an existing source of nutrients.

Safe and Sustainable

GLSD takes health and safety seriously. earthlife® is produced in compliance with all state and federal regulations and permitting requirements, meeting Class A, Exceptional Quality designation – highest standard by USEPA.

We also take the health of our planet seriously. We know incinerating waste or putting it in a landfill contributes to our carbon footprint. Biosolid recycling allows us to divert these existing resources and use them instead to feed our agricultural soil in a way that’s safe and sustainable.

For more regulatory information:

PFAS Facts

PFAS are a family of chemical compounds commonly used in a wide range of products, from cookware to carpeting, resulting in most Americans exposure to PFAS. It’s also how trace amounts (parts per billion or less) of PFAS have ended up in wastewater and biosolids.

A 2020 study of farm soils where biosolids were historically land applied found very low concentrations of PFAS compounds which were below the criteria set by the EPA. Led by scientists through the University of Arizona, it was one of the largest studies of its kind and determined there was little risk to Arizona’s ground water from PFAS.

The research and information available on PFAS continues to evolve. GLSD is dedicated to safety and is working with MassDEP as it continues to gather information and closely monitor the application of residuals.

Benefits of Biosolids

  • Added Nutrients – Contains organic matter that helps prevent crop diseases and develops long-term sustainable health in the soil. Fact sheet.
  • Saves Water – earthlife® retains moisture longer than synthetic fertilizers
  • Readily available – Fertilizer is made year-round at GLSD
  • Reduces Fossil Fuel Use – GLSD recycles existing organic material into a fertilizer – lessening our reliance on synthetically, fossil fuel derived fertilizers

Frequently Asked Questions

They are a beneficial resource that contain essential plant nutrients and organic matter which can be recycled into fertilizers and soil amendments.

Once the wastewater reaches a treatment plant, it goes through a biological process to clean the wastewater and remove solids. The biological solids that remain are then digested or stabilized to reduce or eliminate pathogens. After this step, the biosolids can be recycled and applied as fertilizer.

No. In fact, farmers and gardeners have been using recycled biosolids for years. Using fertilizers made of biosolids reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. Their slow release of nutrients also means they don’t have to be applied as frequently as other fertilizers, reducing the likelihood of groundwater pollution of nitrogen and phosphorus.

earthlife® looks like crumbly black mud and is shiny. Sometimes you might notice sparkles within the fertilizer caused by struvite, a beneficial phosphorus and nitrogen-rich mineral.

earthlife® is made from biosolids removed and treated at GLSD wastewater facilities. Sometimes, this includes removing things that should not go down the drain, however, there are some materials that are difficult to remove. To protect the quality of earthlife®, the following items should go in the trash, not in the toilet, garbage disposal, or the sink:

  • Stickers from fruits or vegetables
  • Plastic and other non-organic materials like feminine products
  • Expired/unwanted prescription or over-the-counter drugs
  • Grease and other fat from the kitchen
  • Disposable wipes, diapers, and liners, even if they are labeled as “flushable”
  • Products labeled “danger”, “hazardous” or “toxic”


Try to use fewer cleaning products and chemicals at home and switch to “biodegradable” or more natural alternatives.


Remember: Don’t flush trouble Only toilet paper and human waste should get flushed.

MWRA – Household Waste Disposal

Biosolids are one of the most studied materials that are regulated by the EPA. There are decades worth of studies that show biosolids are safe for use on crops. Further still, the National Academy of Sciences has reviewed current practices and regulator standards to address public health concerns. It concluded that biosolid use is safe when practiced in accordance with existing federal guidelines and regulations.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets guidelines for removing pathogens and metals. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) takes it a step further, with stricter standards, regulations and further testing beyond EPA requirements. GLSD follows all state and federal regulations pertaining to biosolids safety.