Massachusetts Students Spend Summer Working at Wastewater Treatment Plants

This summer, seven high school students completed paid internships at wastewater treatment plants in Lowell and Lawrence, Massachusetts through the Youth and the Environment Program (YEP). Created by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1990, YEP allows youth to gain hands-on experience in the environmental field through a six-week schedule.

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BioCycle Publishes New Case Study Completed by NYC DEP and Northern Tilth, LLC Assessing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Source Separated Organics

NYC DEP worked with Northern Tilth, LLC, to complete an assessment of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) associated with five separate management options for source-separated organics (SSO). Their conclusion was that the SSO management option with the lowest carbon footprint is anaerobic digestion of the SSO, followed by either land application or composting of the dewatered

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GLSD Operator Graduates from Massachusetts Wastewater Management Training Program

Congratulations to the 22 graduates of the Massachusetts Wastewater Management Leadership Program including Christopher Joaquin, Operator, at GLSD! The year-long training program provides wastewater operators with professional development skills needed to enter leadership positions. The MassDEP, Massachusetts Water Environment Association (MAWEA) and NEIWPCC celebrated the graduates during the MAWEA Quarterly Meeting.

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GLSD Hosts MAWEA Operator Exchange and Past President

GLSD hosted a wastewater operator on November 17th as part of MAWEA’s Operator Exchange Program.  Keith Anderson of the Saco, Maine Wastewater Treatment Plant and John Downey, Past President of the MAWEA, toured GLSD’s main treatment facility and pumping station.  The Operator Exchange Program expands the knowledge of operators throughout the Northeast by facilitating tours

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Biofilter Media Replacement Project Completed August 8, 2023

On October 14th, 2022, sealed bids were opened for the rehabilitation of the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District Biofilter. The project involved removing, disposing, and replacing the existing biofilter media and crushed stone of the underdrain system. Additionally, 60 biofilter leachate pipes were replaced, and two new cleanouts were installed in the odor control piping system.

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Students Graduate from Youth and Environment Program at GLSD

New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC), USEPA, and MassHire visited GLSD on August 10, 2023 for the graduation of six Youth and Environment Program (YEP) Interns from Duck Island, Lowell and GLSD.  This USEPA, NEIWPCC, and MassHire sponsored program encourages high school aged students to explore careers in the environmental field over their

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New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) visited GLSD on June 15, 2023 to tour the facilities in preparation for another summer of participating in the Youth and Environment Program (YEP).  This EPA and NEIWPCC sponsored program encourages high school aged students to explore careers in the environmental field over their summer break.

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