Building, maintaining, and operating a system of sewage collection and disposal.

The Greater Lawrence Sanitary District (GLSD) was established by Chapter 750 of the Massachusetts Acts of 1968 for the purpose of building, maintaining, and operating a system of sewage collection and disposal for the city of Lawrence, and the towns of Methuen, Andover, and North Andover.

The District’s facilities have been operating since 1977.

The town of Salem, New Hampshire joined GLSD in the 1980s through enabling legislation, (Chapter 387 of the Acts of 1982).

A Commission of nine members (four from the city of Lawrence; two from the city of Methuen; one each from the towns of Andover and North Andover; and a ninth non-voting member from the town of Salem, New Hampshire) oversee the District. The Executive Director is appointed by the Commission and supervises the staff of some 40 people including licensed wastewater operators, industrial mechanics, chemists, and other administrative professionals.

The five communities that make up the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District appoint members to the Board of Commissioners based on their population size. Lawrence has four members; Methuen two; and Andover and North Andover each have one. Salem, New Hampshire also has one non-voting member.


Thomas Connors, Chairman
Commissioner since 1998

Joseph R. Quartarone
Commissioner since 2010

Jorge Jaime
Commissioner since 2021

William C. Hale III
Commissioner since 2022


Raymond DiFiore
Commissioner since 2012

Patrick L. Bower
Commissioner since 2023


Carlos Jaquez
Commissioner since 2025

North Andover

Tim Willett
Commissioner since 2021

Salem NH

Cathy Ann Stacey
Commissioner since 2020

Executive Director

Cheri R. Cousens, P.E.

Finance Director

Laurie Elliott

Operations Manager

Brett Leavitt

Wastewater Engineer

Milagros Puello, P.E.

Maintenance Manager

John Buckley

Monitoring Manager

Colleen Spero

Office Manger

Ann Rader

Commission meetings are currently held remotely on the last Wednesday of the month at 3:00 PM. The meetings are otherwise held in the conference room of the GLSD Administration Building, 240 Charles Street, North Andover. Meeting dates are subject to change to accommodate holidays or satisfy quorum requirements.

Special meetings and subcommittee meetings are posted as needed.

  • December 27, 2017



  • October 25, 2017



  • September 27, 2017



  • August 30, 2017



  • June 28, 2017



Budget Process

The District runs on a July 1 – June 30 fiscal year. In November of each year the department heads of the District submit estimated expenditures for the next fiscal year to the Executive Director. The Executive Director, in turn, prepares a draft of the budget which includes the anticipated expenditures, as well as estimated income derived from sources such as septage receiving and uncommitted funds from the previous fiscal year. Member communities are then assessed operations and maintenance fees based on the flow received from each community in the previous calendar year. A fixed percentage is applied to debt service and capital costs.

The District is required to stay within the spending ceilings set by Proposition 2 ½. Massachusetts law does, however, allow a multi-member water or sewage district (such as the District) to increase its budget over the 2 ½ % annual increment with first a two-thirds vote of the District governing body and thereafter, the approval of two-thirds of the local appropriating authorities of the member municipalities. The District has never had to request a Proposition 2 ½ override.

The Executive Director presents the draft budget to the District Board of Commissioners for approval. For the budget to become final, it must be approved by a majority of the District Commissioners.

Previous Budgets



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